Nicola Ratti [WHERE TO NOW? / Room40]
Konrad Sprenger [PAN]
Katsunori Sawa [10 Label / ex. Steven Porter]


開場 19:00 開演 19:30
予約 2,500円 当日 3,000円




〈WHERE TO NOW?〉や〈Room40〉から作品をリリースし、Giuseppe Ielasiとのユニット「Bellows」では〈Boomkat〉や〈Shelter Press〉からも作品を発表するイタリアの実験音楽家「Nicola Ratti」と、
ベルリンを代表するクラブBerghain/PanoramaBarが運営するレーベル〈Ostgut Ton〉のサブライン〈A-TON〉からOren Ambarchi、Phillip Sollmannと共にEP『Suez/Panama』を発表、ソロとしては〈PAN〉から『Stack Music』をリリースする「Konrad Sprenger」の来日公演を開催します。
関西からは、DJ NOBUの〈BITTA〉や、ベルリンの〈Weevil Neighbourhood〉等から作品を発表してきたSteven Porterでの活動休止後、Yuji Kondoと新たなユニットNUTS STARをスタートさせるという「Katsunori Sawa」が登場します。


Nicola Ratti [WHERE TO NOW? / Room40]
Born in Milano in 1978. Musician and sound designer active since years in the experimental fields.
He has performed live in Europe, North America and Russia and his albums had been released by labels such as Room40, Where To Now?, Boomkat Editions, Shelter Press, Die Schachtel, Entr’acte, Senufo Editions, Holidays Records, Anticipate, Preservation.
He is currently working with Giuseppe Ielasi with whom he formed the project entitled Bellows. His last album “The Collection” has been released in October 2017 by Room40.


Konrad Sprenger [PAN]
Konrad Sprenger is a Berlin-based artist, composer, and music producer.
Influenced by the insistent rhythms of minimalism, krautrock, and techno, Sprenger focusses on the transcendent power of propulsive, full-spectrum sound. He plays a computer-controlled multi-channel electric guitar that he developed himself. With this setup he creates complex rhythmic patterns, automatically retunes the strings during performance, and radically expands the possibilities of the guitar – sounding like anything from an electronic instrument, to various traditional string instruments, to a full orchestra.
Hiller has long-term collaborations with Arnold Dreyblatt and Ellen Fullman, and has recently started working with Oren Ambarchi – including on his recent Editions Mego release Hubris along with an astonishing cast of players including Ricardo Villalobos, Arto Lindsay, Jim O’Rourke, Mark Fell, Crys Cole, Keith Fullerton Whitman. Sprenger and Ambarchi have teamed up with Phillip Sollmann on the released disc „Suez/Panama“ on A-Ton. His last album „Stack Music“ was released by PAN.


Katsunori Sawa [10 Label]
日本京都から世界発信するインディペンデント・レーベル 10 LABEL の創設者。
STEVEN PORTER の元メンバーであり、2019年に Yuji Kondo と新たに NUTS STAR として活動開始予定。
彼はこれまでに、Leyla Records ファウンダー Chafik Chennouf、Yuji Kondo とのユニット STEVEN PORTER、Weevil Neighbourhood トップランナー Anthone との活動でも注目される日本人アーティストである。
Opal Tapes、Snts、Weevil Neighbourhood、Bitta、Leyla、Semantica、Voidance、Mirae Arts、Diffuse Reality、Kynant、Ai、Sludge Tapesと数々のリリースを国内外から発表している。

Hailing from Kyoto, Japan.
Co-founder of 10 Label.
Currently producing and performing as solo artist as well as in collaboration with Anthone (as BOKEH) and Chafik Chennouf. Former member of Steven Porter together with Yuji Kondo until their breakup 2017.
Even though Sawa’s very first outing under his “EOC” alias already saw his introduction in 2008 on UK based AI Records, and New Released on Mirae Arts US in 2018.
he made his first major appearance with his collaborative remix with Yuji Kondo of Jimmy Edgar’s “Sleight of Mouth” on Spanish Semantica Records in 2010.
His own “10 Label” he kicked off with “Deed”
His latest releases include contributions for Opal Tapes and Voidance Records together with Chafik Chennouf, Alias EOC from Mirae Arts, Remix work on Diffuse Reality, Kynant Records (by Steven Porter), Leyla Records(V.A.) etc.
Katsunori Sawa’s trademark sound strives for the more industrial territories of techno. Rhythmic noise, undulating bottom end rave and wall-of-sound-scapes meat grumbling breakbeat abstractions.